Category: Streaming

  • Pixelated Profits: Using QR Codes for Game Streaming Monetization

    Pixelated Profits: Using QR Codes for Game Streaming Monetization

    The competition is fierce and the quest for monetization is relentless. There are a lot of streamers looking to build communities and monetize, and in such an environment, every little thing helps. There are quite a few tools to help you monetize, and today we’ll talk about one of them – QR codes. These black-and-white […]

  • What Do You Need to Start Streaming Games? Here’s a Guide

    What Do You Need to Start Streaming Games? Here’s a Guide

    Game streaming has rapidly become one of the most popular and lucrative forms of content creation. But what makes streaming games such a winning strategy for monetization?  For starters, the gaming community is vast, diverse, and incredibly passionate. When you’re streaming, you’re tapping into a global audience that is eager to watch, engage, and support […]

  • TikTok Wants a Piece of Gaming UGC

    TikTok Wants a Piece of Gaming UGC

    TikTok is going after Twitch and YouTube. The uber-popular social video app wants a piece of the gaming UGC action. TikTok boasts over 3 trillion views on gaming content in 2022, which means there’s a growing community on the platform that wants gaming content.  According to the platform’s What’s Next: Gaming Trend Report, approximately half […]

  • Go Live: 7 Gaming Streaming Platforms You Should Know About

    Go Live: 7 Gaming Streaming Platforms You Should Know About

    Streaming has revolutionized the world of gaming, offering both casual gamers and eSports professionals a platform to share their passion, skills, and unique content. Streaming is almost synonymous with gaming content creation, and with good reason. The income potential is incredible. Revenue in the gaming streaming market is projected to reach over $11 billion in […]

  • Tips for Mastering the Art of Game Streaming

    Tips for Mastering the Art of Game Streaming

    If you’re trying to become a content creator in the busy world of game streaming, consider this: in 2020, Twitch, one of the most popular streaming platforms, boasted over 140 million monthly active viewers. Viewers watched a staggering 13 billion hours of content on Twitch alone that year.  Streaming isn’t just about high scores and […]

  • Game On, Trolls Off: How to Handle Trolls while Streaming

    Game On, Trolls Off: How to Handle Trolls while Streaming

    Handling online trolls is an integral part of a streamer’s journey, especially as they grow and attract larger audiences. Here are some strategies streamers employ to manage trolls: Ignore Them: Often, the best approach is to simply ignore trolls. They thrive on attention, and not giving them any can deter them. Moderators: If your channel […]