Tag: streaming

  • Pixelated Profits: Using QR Codes for Game Streaming Monetization

    Pixelated Profits: Using QR Codes for Game Streaming Monetization

    The competition is fierce and the quest for monetization is relentless. There are a lot of streamers looking to build communities and monetize, and in such an environment, every little thing helps. There are quite a few tools to help you monetize, and today we’ll talk about one of them – QR codes. These black-and-white […]

  • Tips for Mastering the Art of Game Streaming

    Tips for Mastering the Art of Game Streaming

    If you’re trying to become a content creator in the busy world of game streaming, consider this: in 2020, Twitch, one of the most popular streaming platforms, boasted over 140 million monthly active viewers. Viewers watched a staggering 13 billion hours of content on Twitch alone that year.  Streaming isn’t just about high scores and […]

  • Game On, Trolls Off: How to Handle Trolls while Streaming

    Game On, Trolls Off: How to Handle Trolls while Streaming

    Handling online trolls is an integral part of a streamer’s journey, especially as they grow and attract larger audiences. Here are some strategies streamers employ to manage trolls: Ignore Them: Often, the best approach is to simply ignore trolls. They thrive on attention, and not giving them any can deter them. Moderators: If your channel […]