Tag: link lockers

  • How to Monetize Gaming UGC with Telegram Bots

    How to Monetize Gaming UGC with Telegram Bots

    Telegram, with over 800 monthly million active users worldwide, is an increasingly popular platform for gamers and content creators. Telegram’s user base is expected to grow to 2.284 billion by 2025. Telegram is very popular in India, Russia, Indonesia, and Brazil. With its highly customizable bot API, Telegram offers a unique opportunity for gaming content […]

  • Tutorials and Speedruns: Great Gaming UGC You Can Monetize

    Tutorials and Speedruns: Great Gaming UGC You Can Monetize

    The basics are for amateurs. The real game starts where the tutorial ends. But here’s the deal: even the most experienced among us can find new depths to explore, and that’s where advanced tutorials, intricate walkthroughs, and high-stakes speedruns come into play. These guides are hardcore gaming UGC, and require quite a lot of work […]

  • How to use Discord bots for content monetization?

    How to use Discord bots for content monetization?

    Everyone who is into gaming knows Discord or has used it at some point. Since its launch, it has become the go-to communication platform for gamers worldwide. Discord offers an easy and convenient way for players to chat, share, and organize gaming sessions without the hassle of traditional communication methods. With its user-friendly interface and […]