Roblox Offers New Analytics Tools to its UGC Creators

Roblox developers are rarely idle. The development team at Roblox Corp is constantly improving and tweaking the game creation system and the entire online gaming platform. Their latest advancement is the rollout of a new analytics tool that UGC creators can apply to their games.

According to the Roblox Corp team, the idea behind the tool is to provide direct insight into track funnel and economy events. With it, creators should be able to improve their experiences and grow their audiences. The tool is still new and needs more feedback, which will likely trickle in over the summer months. However, the Roblox community is more than happy with this development and many creators are putting the new insight into good use. 

In all likelihood, the Roblox team will only continue to expand and polish their analytics. This is a welcome addition for this gaming platform in the ongoing struggle for the mantle of the biggest gaming metaverse.

Economy and Funnel Event Analytics

Economy and Funnel Event Analytics – that’s the name of the tool. Kinda long and complex, but that’s the current name. The insights it provides can be useful in a range of creator decisions, but its primary goal is to help with a better understanding of two key factors. The first one is in-app spending that the Roblox players initiate, and the second one is one of the most important metrics in any online gaming ecosystem – player retention

Thanks to the new tool, creators should be able to more precisely track how their players use a range of in-game resources and currencies. At the same time, the Funnel part of the new tool should offer insight into player retention and which funnel-like process might be helping – or failing – their creators. 

The Funnel Concept 

Similarly to marketing, in gaming, the funnel concept is extremely important.

Marketing funnel

In marketing, a “funnel” describes the journey a potential customer takes before buying something. Imagine it like a real funnel: it’s wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. At the top, many people first hear about a game. In the middle, some of these people become interested and learn more about it. At the bottom, a few decide to buy the game. Marketers use different tactics at each stage to guide people from awareness to purchase.

Those who try out a game in Roblox are the top of the funnel. Only a small percentage actually perform actions that help creators. The initial group gradually decreases to an ever-smaller selection as the funnel narrows.

For example, out of 100 users who try a Roblox game, only 50 come back for the second time. Out of those 50, only 10 end up using the shop or some other end-point location.

Economy and Funnel Event Analytics promises to help Roblox creators in that regard, allowing them to track retention at some key points of their creation. That might be the initial onboarding process for more complex games, or the in-game shop for those looking to involve the players in their in-game economy. Having good insight into these funnels is crucial for any creator looking to improve the experience they offer or build better versions of their new Roblox games.

Demographic and Competition Factors

The new analytics tool also provides insight into more common statistical factors. It can segment the audience based on gender, age, operating system, platform, and three additional custom factors. In the days to come, Roblox Corp should expand the data covered by the tool to more specific elements like qualified players and qualified playthrough rates. It will also add the factor the Roblox developers are calling similar experience benchmarks. With this, creators will be able to compare their games with the games of their competitors. That alone could prove to be a goldmine of data for up-and-coming creators. It’s even more relevant if they can combine the insight into very popular Roblox games and the factors like retention they are hoping to improve in their similar creation.

Roblox’s Vision of the Future

The complexity and capability of the Economy and Funnel Event Analytics tool are more than evident. With it, creators can really boost their insight into their games and other games as well, like the best-performing titles on the Roblox market. As the analytics tool continues to evolve, it may be able to offer data that is at least on the same level as the main Roblox competitors, mainly Fortnite Creative and its Analytics Dashboard. This is all just another showcase of Roblox Corp’s strong desire to become the go-to gaming UGC metaverse in the coming period. 
